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Writer's pictureKristen Ann

What is your "happiness" factor?

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment and fulfillment. On the feeling wheel, it's experiencing more of the positive emotions that range from peaceful to joyful.

Two components of happiness, or well being, are:

1. The Balance of Emotions -- As humans we are meant to experience and metabolize the negative of life (such as sin, pain, losses, and imperfection) as well as the positive (love, success, accomplishment). In well integrated people, happiness and success can be experienced at the same time as disappointment and loss without losing the good or judging others. Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more of the good than bad.

2. Overall Satisfaction of Life -- This relates to how satisfied you are with key areas of your life including faith, health, relationships, finances and creative expression (your business and careers).

When looking at the sub scales of emotional intelligence, happiness is most often associated with:

  • Self Regard - Happiness is a by-product of believing in yourself and living according to your own core values.

  • Self Actualization - Happiness comes from a willingness to learn and grow on journey aligned with personal values and purpose.

  • Optimism - In the face of negativity and setbacks, the ability to recover quickly and claim a happy state is contingent upon ones level of optimism.

  • Interpersonal Relationships - Well developed relationships serve as a buffer for the negative effects of life's demands. Being connected in a strong, supportive network can help restore happiness when you need it the most.

Curious to learn more about your unique happiness factor?

Let's chat more about your definition of happy and how we can harness your personal strengths and talents to increase your satisfaction of life.

Want to learn more -- feel free to schedule a free consultation today.

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