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Writer's pictureKristen Ann

The GROW Model

Updated: Sep 30, 2024

The GROW model is a widely-used coaching framework that can be helpful when coaching employees or moving a group discussion towards action!


Begin by establishing a clear goal or objective for the coaching session. This should be specific, measurable, and achievable within a reasonable timeframe.

What do you want to happen in this situation?

What specifically needs to happen by when?

Who needs to do what?

What specifically would success look like?

What will tell you that you’ve been successful?

How specifically will you measure success? What are the right measures or metrics?

What would be different? What would stay the same?

Why is this outcome important to you?

What’s at stake for you?

What makes this meaningful to you?

How likely is success as you’ve defined it? Rate it 1-10, 10 is guaranteed, 1 is impossible.

Where’s the sweet spot between stretch and realism?

Who needs to be aligned or agreed on what success looks like?

Would they agree with success as you’re defining it?


Next, explore the current reality or situation that the employee is facing. This includes identifying any barriers or challenges that may be preventing them from reaching their goal.

What’s your take on this situation?

What do you believe is true about it? how do you know this is true?

How is your current mindset impacting this topic?

What are you doing? What aren’t you doing?

What’s your sense of how your current actions are contributing to the situation being what it is?

What’s driving the current state?

Is there a complex system at work here? If yes, what’s your sense of how it works?

Who else is involved in this situation?

What’s their role?

What’s their contribution to the situation?

What’s the quality of your relationship with these people?

Are you asking for or receiving support as it relates to this thing?

If yes, how is that working or not working for you?

What support have you asked for? What support haven’t you asked for?


Once you have a clear understanding of the goal and the current reality, brainstorm potential options or strategies that the employee could use to overcome the obstacles and achieve their goal.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind that you could do here?

And what else? (probe for 3-5 options)

What could you change about what you’re doing?

What else could you try or stop/start doing?

Who else could you involve in the situation? How could you change people’s involvement?

What could you do to work differently with the group or cultural dynamic in play?

If there’s a complex system at work, where’s the logical place to try to intervene in that system?

What could you do to change, adapt to or work differently within the physical environment, the systems, processes, measurements, or technology involved?

Reframing questions

If you knew exactly what to do, what would you do?

Who do you know who has solved a problem like this, that might be able to support you?

Way Forward

Finally, establish a plan of action or way forward. This should include specific steps that the employee will take to achieve their goal, as well as any support or resources that they may need along the way.

Based on everything we’ve discussed: which idea seems like it’s most likely to result in success? What makes you pick that idea?

What specifically would you to do to implement this idea?

What would be the first step you’d take, by when?

Who needs to know about your action plan?

What will you do to inform them?

What will you do to secure their support?

What might get in the way as you try to implement this?

What will you do if that occurs?

Who or what can support you? What will you do to access that support?

Throughout the coaching conversation, it's important to ask open-ended questions and actively listen to the employee's responses. This can help to build trust and create a supportive, authentic environment. Additionally, it's important to set clear expectations and follow up regularly to ensure that progress is being made towards the goal.

Other questions to lead with more curiosity:


  • What do you want to happen?

  • What would success look like?

  • What’s the real issue?

  • What have you tried?

  • What seems to be working right now?

  • What’s getting in the way?

  • What are you afraid of?

  • What’s most important about this to you? 



  • How do you think that went?

  • How can I be helpful in this conversation?

  • How do you feel about the situation?

  • How do you want it to be?

  • How would you know you've reached a successful outcome?


Other Powerful Statements

  • Tell me more...What else?

  • Help me understand...

  • What is happening for you right now?

  • Where do you want to go from here?

  • Why is this important for you?

  • What can you control/influence/accept?

  • What do you plan to do next? When?

  • What will you begin to do differently? Why?

  • How will you know you’ve been successful?

  • How will you stay committed?

  • What sacrifice(s) will be required?

Want to chat more about how to lead and coach your team towards performance while preserving the relationship -- feel free to schedule a free consultation today. I want to hear your story!

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