Think of all aspects of your life:
Financial Supply | Health & Wellness | Career |
Relationships | Faith | Community | Fun & Recreation
Remembering 2023
What one word best describes your 2023 experience?
What was your biggest triumph in 2023? What made you proud?
What was the smartest decision you made? What was the impact?
What was your biggest misstep or mistake, and what did you learn from it?
Name three people that had the biggest impact on your life in 2023 and why.
In what ways did you expand your comfort zone or apply new insights and mindset shifts in 2023? What new leadership behaviors did you exercise or experiment with in 2023?
What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2023?
Designing 2024
Given your 2023 reflections, what advice would you give yourself to prepare for 2024?
What would you like to be your biggest triumph this year? What aspect of your life would like to improve in 2024? (see list above)
At the end of 2024, what would you like to be most proud about?
What actions, habits, or mindset shifts do you need to put in place
What relationships do you need to support you? Where might you need to shift how you spend your time and energy?
What might get in your way ?
What risks do you anticipate needing to take?
Write “I promise myself to...” statements that can guide you in 2024.
Need a relational boost ... join a coaching group. Cohorts are forming now.
Want to learn more -- feel free to schedule a free consultation today. I want to hear your story!