We all have a right … to everything we feel. However, that does not mean we have to always express it reactively.
When emotional intensity is high, we engage in nonproductive efforts to change the other person, and in doing so, fail to exercise our powers to change our own selves.
Stress is the perception of a threat - fight or flight or freeze response.
Today, people have low grade stress and anxiety all the time, which leads to hostility and anger if goes unresolved for a long time.
How to Rid Your Body of Toxins caused by Stress:
Fine Tune Immune System
Balancing Hormones
Smile More
Incorporate Exercise Regularly
Walk 10,000 steps a day
Use Mind Body Coordination like breathe work, yoga, massage, music or meditation
The goal.... be in a Flow State: Lightness of Being with No Resistance
Practice the acronym "STOP"
S- Stop
T- Take 3 breaths
O- Observe
P- Proceed with Kindness and Compassion
Stress is either the anticipation of future, a retreat from past, or resistance to what is… there is no stress in the present — keep stillness as move through this chaotic world.
Be Still
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