Definition of crisis per Webster is this:
a: the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever
b: a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function
c: an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life
Crisis is Common -- The tendency in a crisis is to think that “it’s never been this bad” - we over exaggerate the place in history. It HAS been this bad. This is serious, so not to minimize the situation. A good perspective gives hope, security and encouragement. Solomon says - “this too shall pass” which can encourage us in a crisis and sober us in great times. Life never stays static as crisis is always on the horizon.
Crisis is Distracting -- Traction is the opposite of distraction. Traction pulls forward. Moves you in the right direction. Distraction pulls away - takes us off course and confuses our priorities. Fast from reporting as it causes distraction. The only agenda should be putting people first: serve people, love people. Distraction is mind wondering. Negative thinking. This is the perfect storm for distraction as fear is spreading faster than the virus. Nothing causes more anxiety than trying to control something you can’t control. Anxiety and worry does NOT make better. First step to gaining more traction is getting rid of the negative emotions.
Crisis Reveals What's in Us -- Crises don’t make us, they reveals us. When we get squeezed, what’s inside (positive or negative) will come out. Choices make us. Crisis reveals us. Transformation doesn’t begin by conforming to a law, it happens on the inside. Become bigger on the inside - than you are on outside.
Crisis requires adaptability -- It’s a case study in uncertainty. Successful leaders have a plan B and a plan C. Conformity is based on fear and rejection allowing you to blend into the crowd. Adaptability is adjusting out of strength. Be fluid!
Crisis is the Time to Show Up -- Become visible. Good leaders will lead the way into the battle. Be on front line. Those that lead are early and the first to go forward. Be open, Be honest. Be clear. Be the first to stand up and stand out. Uncertainty is different from unclarity. We don't have to see it all or have all the answers. We do have to hold on to hope and provide direction.
We can control the choices we make.
Optimism is passive. Hope takes courage.
This is the 3:2 count —
All pitches are important. But this one is most important.
Be willing to have those 3:2 kind of conversations.
Want to chat more about -- feel free to schedule a free consultation today. I want to hear your story!