If your phone or laptop seems to be “locking up” and giving you grief, the easiest and most effective way to reset is to simply power down for a few minutes. Even the unresponsive device generally responds to a quick shut down and restart. Unfortunately, humans do not have a power button to automatically reset and reboot quickly in the game of life. However, even without a dramatic life changing full stop start-over, we can choose to create a fresh start with a daily refresh. In todays reality of economic loss and uncertainty, many will find themselves this year needing to reset either by choice or by circumstance. Here are a few tips to make life more emotionally healthy in the process:
Change Perspective
Shifting from a feeling of failure or victim role into a opportunistic, growth mindset creates a new beginning. Often times the most difficult and devastating times of life, are the very moments that created character strength and resiliency. Do not let the harsh internal judge sabotage you. Instead talk to yourself as you would with a friend, with acceptance, empathy and comfort.
“Starting over can be scary, but it is also cause for celebration” (Goldsmith, 2012). Both anxiety and excitement feel the same to the nervous system. Shift your mindset to make the restart opportunity energizing...its a blank slate! Take time to celebrate life’s successes and acknowledge and appreciate all the good. Create a gratitude journal as a reflection of your many blessings.
Reignite your passion by visualizing the life you desire. “Fantasizing about specific goals can foster creativity, help someone better understand their wants and needs, and even enable them to plan for the future” (Goldsmith, 2012). Dream big and get creative with a vision board.
Create New Goals
Little goals with small steps forward turn into big ideas with huge accomplishment. We are happiest when we are moving towards a goal (Goldsmith, 2012). Those that write down their dreams and goals are 42% more likely to create dreams into reality (Morrissey, 2017). Write down your vision and goals in each area: faith, family, friends, fitness and finances. This exercise provides clarity and shifts your focus to awareness of opportunity.
Adjust with Grace
Moving through life is like hiking a mountain. You will go up a path, level off, take a few steps down and head back up again. That uneven path is the process of life and the process in creating change with a coach. Have patience with the process, give yourself grace and adjust the direction as needed to conquer the trail to the top. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
Everything we face is a chance to stretch and grow, choosing fear or choosing to be excited and energized by the new challenge. When a second chance comes along, use that opportunity to be more intentional, more courageous, and with complete gratitude. Hitting the reset button can bring renewed energy and increased excitement moving towards the life you design.
Want to chat more about -- feel free to schedule a free consultation today. I want to hear your story!
Goldsmith, B. (2012, December 26). 10 Tools for Restarting Your Life. Retrieved from https:// www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201212/10-tools-restarting-your- life.
Morrissey, M. (2017, December 7). The Power of Writing Down Your Goals and Dreams. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-power-of-writing-down_b_12002348