The Gratitude Project is based on research suggesting that people who express gratitude on a regular basis have higher levels of optimism, physical well-being, and determination.
“[Research] indicates that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life,” said Robert A. Emmons, a professor of psychology at UC Davis. “It can help lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and facilitate more efficient sleep.” We can all use that benefit!
“When you practice gratitude, you are distracted from worries and other negative emotions. Identifying the benefits, you get from the good things in your life provides a positive impact on the way you think and feel about yourself, others and even your challenges,” said the Graduate School’s Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs Jan Allen.
Let's increase a critical life skill -- the ability to appreciate! This challenge will provide you with a daily journal prompt (to process the thought/feelings/emotions) as well as a simple practice of gratitude (to experience gratitude in action).
The more we focus on what we are thankful for and the positive things we actually have, the less we will focus on what we don’t have and learn to stop seeing the negatives in life.
Happiness, resilience, & kindness are SKILLS that can be taught and developed over time. And we can all use growth in these EQ skill areas!
Day 1
1 - Commit to the challenge of creating a new habit.
2 – Enlist an accountability partner. Tag your team!
3 – Grab a journal to process thoughts/feelings/emotions daily.
4 – Say THANK YOU out loud to someone 4 times today!
Day 2
Process - 3 good things!
Every day this week, write down 3 good things that went well for you each day. Use as much detail as possible as to what exactly happened. Write how it made you feel (use emotion words). Write any thoughts you have around the event thinking back. Include any sensations in your body that you recall. It' important to keep a record - just don't think about it. Write it down.
Practice - Look in the mirror and say what you are grateful for about yourself.
We are often our own worst critics when it comes to ourselves. So, stand in front of the mirror and say out loud at least 3 things you love about your body.Our bodies are wonderfully made -- what are you appreciative of?
Day 3
Process - Continue to record in detail THREE GOOD THINGS each day. We can often miss opportunities for connection and happiness. This daily practice can guard against those tendencies.
Practice - Open your phone and find a photo you are grateful for. Take a peek into your photos and pick out one that makes you smile. What do you love about it? And why? For extra credit - post that photo on social media describing why that pic makes you happy!
Day 4
Process - Continue to write down your THREE GOOD THINGS. This practice teaches you to notice, remember and savor the goodness of life!
Practice - Do a random act of kindness. Leave an unusually large tip or pay for someone’s meal or coffee.
Day 5
Process - Write down what went well ... your THREE GOOD THINGS of the day. Explain what you think caused the good event and why.
Practice - Send a positive note to someone. Whether it's a birthday wish, just to say hello, or a thank you note. Extra credit for mailing a card!
Day 6
Process - Continue building your habit of being aware of the good! Record THREE GOOD THINGS that went well today! It can be small or large.
Practice - Moms are the best! They are often our biggest fans & most supportive friends. Tell your mom (Grandma or another woman that lift you up) how much she means to you today.
Day 7
Process - Finish up the week with THREE GOOD THINGS. If you find yourself focusing on negative feelings, refocus your mind on the good events and the positive that came with it.
Practice - Bake a treat and give to others. An excuse for goodies? Why not?!
Bake a treat & make extras for a neighbor, friend, or family member. Drop some off and feel the love! if you are not a baker, pick up a store-bought surprise...above all, keep it simple!
Day 8
Process – This week the journal prompts are looking inward. Write about one of your personality traits that you are grateful for. If you are having a challenge figuring this out, message me for a free DISC assessment where we can figure out why you do what you do!
Practice – Pick a service or business that you are grateful for and write a glowing review. So often we are inclined to write when service is poor, or we are disappointed. Take a moment to post a positive note on YELP, google, Amazon or another social platform.
Day 9
Process – What mistake or failure are you grateful for? Describe in your journal the loss and the lesson. How is life now different because of that set-back? What’s the come-back?
Practice – Who do you admire? Who inspires you to accomplish your goals? Let them know. Drop a quick message or email to that person and send them a little love today!
Day 10
Process – Write about an accomplishment that you are proud of. Why did you achieve it? It can be a small or big win.
Practice – Go one day without complaining. This is harder than it seems! Go by the old mantra “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all!” You may just find that your day is a bit more positive without these words pushing you down.
Day 11
Process - Write down something you are good at. We all have talents and gifts, and yet sometimes we don’t give ourselves credit for them. Write what you excel at. Then, give yourself a pat on the back for the hard work you’ve put into developing that skill.
Practice – Thank your dad. Dad’s (or another important tribe leader in your life) can be the unsung heroes. Take a moment today to say Thank You for their love and presence in your life. Send a message, make a phone call, or mail a note.
Day 12
Process – What’s something (or someone) that makes you feel safe? Write down your thoughts, feelings, sensations around that security.
Practice – Be still for a few moments and do a gratitude meditation. This is one to check out or another one here. Search YouTube or Google for different options to try.
Day 13
Process – What is something that you are grateful to have today, that you didn’t have a year ago?
Practice – Donate items you no longer need. Take a few moments to recognize how blessed you are to have the things that you do. Then go through your house and decluttering the items that no longer suit you. Unload them at your nearest drop-off for someone that will appreciate them.
Day 14
Process – Write about a happy memory. How did that time make you feel? What thoughts arise as you reflect about?
Practice – Take a much-deserved self-care day. Our bodies give us life and freedom. Plus, they take a good amount of daily abuse. So, show it some appreciation today!
Day 15
Process – What song makes you feel appreciative and happy when you hear it? Write about the feelings and sensations that music brings to you.
Practice – Turn up the volume and play that song you were thinking of. Step farther – send that song to someone today sharing the goodness of music.
Day 16
Process – What book(s) are you grateful for? Write about how those books grew and changed you.
Practice – Share the love of books. Donate your unread books to the local library to re-purpose. Or send someone a copy of your favorite read.
Day 17
Process – What friend(s) are you grateful for? Record in your journal the character traits of these friends that you appreciate most.
Practice – Reach out to those friends today. Drop a note or call with some words of gratitude.
Day 18
Process – What is a tradition you are grateful for? Describe in detail what that looks and feels like to you.
Practice – Find something special in your home that is representative of that special tradition. Put that in sight this week to remind you of the gratitude of traditions in your life.
Day 19
Process – Write down something that made you laugh recently. How do you feel after a good laughter session?
Practice – Find a comedy to watch or a YouTube funny video. Spread your laughter and share that title with someone else. Most importantly is to LAUGH!
Day 20
Process – What is your favorite season of the year? Why?
Practice – Whatever season you are in now – take a moment to feel that season. The sun on your face, the wind blowing your hair, or catching a snowflake on your tongue.
Day 21
Process – What is something that you learned recently? What inspired you to learn that new thing?
Practice – Today, experience that new skill, hobby, or talent you learned. Congratulate yourself for the job well done!
Day 22
Process – What are 3 good things about where you live? Your community?
Practice – Get outside and fully experience that good thing!
Day 23
Process – Where is your favorite place in the world? Fully describe that place and how it makes you feel when you are there.
Practice – Post a picture of that favorite place. Better yet, put on your vision board when you will visit that place again.
Day 24
Process – Describe something weird or random that bring you joy?
Practice – Embrace weirdness today! Do something weird for yourself or another. Be random!
Day 25
Process – Name a food or dish that brings you comfort.
Practice – Seek out that food or dish today. Better yet, create a date to enjoy that food with someone else!
Day 26
Process – Open the door or window and look outside. Write about all that you see that you are grateful for.
Practice – Go for a gratitude walk. Look around and simply say thank you for what you see that you especially appreciate.
Day 27
Process – How are you able to use your gifts to help others?
Practice – Plan to use your talent and gifts this month to give back a few hours. Note how you feel when you help others!
Day 28
Process – Describe an interaction in the last few days that you felt was beautiful or in some way compelling.
Practice – Find 3 people today to give a meaningful compliment to today.
Day 29
Process – Think about a pending event or action that has yet to happen. What are 2 ways in which that event could unfold in a way that pleasantly surprises you?
Practice – Do something that could pleasantly surprise someone today. Simple things often create the largest impact.
Day 30
Process – Continue your daily habit of writing down 3 GOOD THINGS! Leaning into appreciation daily is a great way to activate and practice optimism.
Practice – Send yourself some love and gratitude for completing this 30-day challenge. You did it! Celebrate your accomplishment of increasing your sense of optimism.
Curious to learn more about your unique happiness factor and how gratitude increases that factor?
Let's chat more about your definition of happy and how we can harness your personal strengths and talents to increase your satisfaction of life. Want to learn more -- feel free to schedule a free consultation today.